“Poverty is one of the leading contributors to the high rate of out-of-school children” You can change the narrative…

Did you know…
“Only 50% of children in Nigeria transition from Primary to Secondary School”
“10.5 million of the country’s children aged 5-14 years are not in school”
                             “Nigeria contributes approximately 20% of the total global out-of-school population”

We are "Emmanuel Scholars" … Giving Hope for Tomorrow

Emmanuel Scholars was established to provide scholarship opportunities to scholars from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Nigeria, who would otherwise be unable to fund their education.

who we are

Our Mission

To provide scholarship funds to support the education of selected scholars. 

To provide educational and pastoral support as required to improve the educational attainment of scholars.


Our Mission

To forge links with a pipeline of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds from which to select scholars. To provide remedial support for prospective scholars at the secondary school entry phase.


Our Vision

To ensure every child from a disadvantaged background gains access to quality education in Nigeria.  To reverse the conversion rate from primary to secondary school for children from disadvantaged backgrounds in Nigeria.


Our Core Values

Emmanuel Scholars was established to provide scholarship funds for scholars from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Nigeria, who would otherwise be unable to fund their secondary school education.

our process

How we work

Each year, from the pool of funds contributed by our sponsors, we implement our trustee-approved selection process by which to select scholars who will benefit from the scholarship fund. The scholarships are provided to enable selected scholars attend reputable Secondary Schools in their region.


How you can help...

Scholarship funding is raised from donations from  individuals, corporate entities and religious institutions

the selection process

Trustee-approved selection process by which to select scholars who will benefit from the scholarship fund.

Each year, from the pool of funds contributed by our sponsors, we implement our trustee-approved selection process by which to select scholars who will benefit from the scholarship fund. The scholarships are provided to enable selected scholars attend reputable Secondary Schools in their region.

Selection Process 

Each academic year, we receive prospective scholar nominations from State-funded primary schools in the relevant regions, who are thereafter subjected to a selection test to ensure that minimum literacy and aptitude requirements are met. Shortlisted candidates will be required to sit the National Common Entrance Examination, as well as the Entrance Examinations of selected Secondary Schools. 

Candidates who are successful at both examinations will go through a further selection process to become Emmanuel Scholars. Selected Emmanuel Scholars will undertake an induction with their parents/guardians, and sign the scholarship agreement <<link>> to commence their scholarship funding.

Committed to changing the narrative...

one child at time

Supporting prospective scholars from the pre-entrance examination phase, through the purchase of forms and provision of examination tutorial sessions, to the selection phase, in which successful pupils are assisted to commence their secondary school education with the aid of the scholarship fund and the completion phase, at which selected scholars would have been supported to achieve their best grades at the end of their secondary school education.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-25 at 10.14.31

Registered Charity Nos.


Postal address

11, Alayode Close, Opebi. Lagos.

UK Address:


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